Journey to Latarambeshwor Mahadev: A Hiking Adventure

Latarambeshwore Mahadev Hiking Adventure

Hey there, fellow wanderers today I’m about to take you on a rollercoaster of a hiking adventure to Latarambeshwor Mahadev in the beautiful land of Nepal.

Latarambeshwor Makwanpur is a cool Hindu temple in Nepal dedicated to Lord Shiva. It’s nestled in the awesome Ipa Panchakanya area of Makwanpur district.

So hold on to your seats, because this journey comes with its fair share of sleep-deprived mishaps, unexpected friendships, and jaw-dropping views!

Now, let’s begin this trail with me!

About The Destination

Want an adventure?

Latarambeshwor Mahadev temple is like a hidden gem high up at 2,700 meters (8,800 feet). But here’s the fun part, to get there, you’ll need to tackle a 2-3 hour hike. It’s not always a walk in the park! Sometimes the trail goes up, up, up!

The path is well looked after, but be ready for some steep bits that’ll make your heart race.

But guess what? The view from up there is like something out of a dream, especially on a sunny day when you can spot Kathmandu Valley.

So, pack your hiking boots, grab your sense of adventure, and let’s go explore this hiking adventure!

The Journey Begins With Travel Masterminds

The story begins at the ungodly hour of 6:30 a.m. I joined forces with the Batuwa Trip travel group. And let me tell you, they’ve got it all sorted out. It’s like the IKEA of travel experiences!

They hand you an itinerary, and throw in transportation, breakfast, and lunch, all at a reasonable price. It’s practically a steal!

Now, remember that feeling of being so excited for a trip that sleep is just a distant memory? Well, that’s where I was. I hopped on the bus they’d kindly reserved for us, which was packed with around 20-25 equally excited souls.

Hiking Adventure Latarambeshwore Mahadev
Hiking Adventure Latarambeshwor Makwanpur

As soon as we hit the road, they handed out breakfast packs with some delicious fruits. But let’s be honest, I was so sleep-deprived that I dozed off quicker than you can say “hiking adventure.”

Occasionally, I’d wake up to the breathtaking views along the way and decide to play paparazzi with my camera. Click, click, and more clicks, my camera was working overtime!

The best part? I was the lone wolf traveler among a bus full of strangers.

Yep, that’s right, I was living my solo traveler dream but with a twist. I had guides to keep me from wandering off into the wilderness. Hilarious, right?

But the vibe on the bus was electric. Everyone was singing, and having a blast, and, well, I was there too, doing my best impression of a lone wolf.

Lunchtime Connections

Around 10-11 a.m., we reached our lunch stop, and that’s where the real adventure began. I made a new friend during lunch, and guess what?

She was a solo traveler too! 

I was ecstatic to find out I wasn’t the only lone wolf in the pack.

We hit it off like a house on fire, and she became my partner in crime for the entire hike. With our stomachs filled with deliciousness, we were ready to conquer the trail.

We had a team of guides, like our hiking entourage. With one leading, one trailing, and the rest in the middle, ensuring no one got lost.

Before we embarked on our hiking odyssey, I grabbed some packed snacks and juice from a nearby store.

You’ve got to stay fueled, right?

The Mesmerizing Hiking Adventure

The hike itself was around 3 hours of ups and downs, but let me tell you, the views were utterly mesmerizing. With the sun on our backs and a cool breeze in the air, it was nothing short of amazing.

Sure, I got a sunburn along the way, but it was a small price to pay for all this awesomeness.

At one point, we stumbled upon a field of mustard flowers, all golden and blooming. I’ve heard people say “stop and smell the roses,” but here, it was more like “stop and admire the mustard flowers.” Trust me, it was worth it.

Mustard Field Latarambeshwore Mhadev Hiking Adventure
Mustard Field Latarambeshwor Mahadev Hiking Adventure

By this point, my water bottle was as dry as the Sahara, but guess what? Mother Nature had our backs. There was a fresh, gushing spring nearby. Let me tell you, that water was like an elixir of life. Pure, fresh, and oh! so delicious.

After a well-deserved break, we continued our trek, and boy, was it steep. But with our fellow hikers, it felt like we were on top of the world.

The View That Stole My Heart

And then, the moment of truth! We crested a hill and were greeted by a view that words can’t do justice to. The greens, the clouds, the whole enchilada, it’s etched in my memory forever.

But our journey wasn’t over. We had another hill to conquer before reaching our final destination, Latarambeshwor Mahadev. With about 30 more minutes of sweat and determination, we made it!

HikingTrail Latarambeshowre Mahadev
HikingTrail Latarambeshowre Mahadev Photos

The place was awe-inspiring, beyond words, and a holy site for Hindus. Some folks were making offerings and saying their prayers, while I was in full photographer mode.

Oh, and I snagged some photos with my new amigo.

Friend I Never Expected

Speaking of her, she was cool, charming, and easy to be around. It’s not every day you bond with a stranger like you’ve known them forever. We laughed, we breathed, we took tiny steps, and, at times, we even ran, slipped, and laughed some more.

But most importantly, we had a blast, and this hike was worth every single step. It’s a memory etched in my mind, a story to share, and a reminder that the best adventures often happen when you least expect them.

So, fellow adventurers, go out there and create your own epic tales!

Besides, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Batuwa Trip team. You folks are the real MVPs, turning dreams into reality with your impeccable planning and boundless enthusiasm.

Thank you for making this trip an unforgettable experience.

Until Next Time

This Latarambeshwor Mahadev hike will forever hold a special place in my heart. The photos and videos I captured are more than mere pixels. They’re memories etched in time.

Adventures like these remind me of the magic that awaits me when I step out of my comfort zone. They teach us that laughter knows no boundaries, that friendships can bloom anywhere, and that the world is a vast and wondrous playground.

With a heart full of gratitude and a head full of unforgettable memories, I’m signing off. Until our next adventure, stay curious, stay adventurous, and stay amazing!

But you can contact me through my social handles to get more information about this hiking adventure.

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