WordPress Chronicles: Journey from Noob to Ninja

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Do you want to walk on a captivating journey with me, from the bustling world of business and tourism to the uncharted territories of WordPress? I never thought I’d dive into the technical side of things. But then, bam! The big COVID-19 shakeup hit, and work got scarce.

Picture this- a sudden COVID-19 shakeup, scarcity of work, and the daunting solo battle against bills. In the face of adversity, an unexpected twist led me into the intricate world of content writing and WordPress.

Join me as I unravel Chapter One of this unexpected adventure – a shift from novice to ninja in the fascinating WordPress Chronicles.

So, buckle up, because I’m excited to share Chapter One of my journey into the world of content writing and WordPress. Let’s roll

Chapter 1 – Epic Adventure of Knowing Content Writing

Can you believe it? Here I am, a content writer, and the transition happened faster than a shooting star! It all started with a nudge from a friend, someone who saw the magic in my way with words. Imagine that – me, the novice poet, venturing into the world of articles and, gulp, technical writing!

Chapter 1, TLDR:

Embarking on a two-day SEO exploration for my WordPress blog proved enlightening, surpassing my typical study commitment. However, given the savvy readership’s presumed SEO familiarity, the necessity of further exploration might be questioned.

The mere mention of “Technical” sent shivers down my spine. I told my friend, “No way! It’s not my starting point, and I’m no tech whiz like you.” Now, why did I jump into the realm of technical writing? The answer is fit for royalty – “Money.”

Yes, the promise of making a decent living just by weaving words. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. But he kept pushing, saying, “Just give it a shot, and success will follow.” For someone without a job, facing the challenge of living solo, even a small income sounds like a dream. So, with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, I took the plunge. Let me tell you, it’s been quite a ride!

My WordPress Journey
My WordPress Journey

Guess what? When I started with SEO, I knew absolutely nothing. It was like trying to decode a secret language, and I swear I almost shed a tear watching Neil Patel’s first SEO video. It was supposed to be a comprehensive guide, but to me, it felt like he was explaining rocket science!

Then, my friend stepped in and taught me as if I were a little kid. For starters, I learned that good SEO can make your article pop up on Google’s search results page. Can you believe I didn’t even know articles needed to “Rank” to show up there? Talk about living in a completely different world!

But you know what’s cool? The more I realized I knew nothing, the more I got curious. Especially when there’s money involved. Hey, I’m not saying I’m all about the money, but at that time, I really needed it. Money does matter, doesn’t it?

Fast forward, I spent a solid two days diving into the depths of SEO. Trust me, I researched more in those two days than I ever did for my studies. And let me tell you, it’s been quite an adventure! Do I really need to dive deep into SEO? I mean, come on, you savvy folks are here reading my blog about WordPress. You probably know the SEO drill already!

Chapter 2 – My First Published Article

Guess what? My very first article was published on TechPatro! When I saw my name up there as the author, I felt like I was on cloud seven. Even though my writing was pretty beginner-ish, it was the coolest thing ever for me.

Big shout-out to Siddhant Mandal, the founder of TechPatro, for giving me this awesome chance to share my writing, even though I had zero experience. It’s one of the best things that ever happened to me.

And get this, he not only gave me the platform but also took the time to check out my writing and gave me tips on how to get better. I learned a bunch about SEO, Google Analytics, and how AdSense works. But here’s the real deal, no matter how not-so-great my writing was, he always had my back and encouraged me to write.

Think about it, TechPatro, one of Nepal’s top tech websites, offering to post my article. That’s no small decision. Because no business would just pick anyone to write for them. And you know what? That was my very first platform.

To Be Continued …..

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